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5.1 Format USB Flashdrive as FAT32

For optimal performance, you need a FAT32 formatted flashdrive. If you would like to reformat a flashdrive as FAT32, you can use the USB Disk Storage Format Tool:

Download the USB Storage Format Tool, and install it on your computer: Click here:

Run the USB Storage Format Tool as an Administrator: Click the Start menu, search for “USB Disk Storage Format”, right click on the “USB Disk Storage Format Tool” and select “Run as Administrator”

Allow the application to run: Click Allow

  • Select the USB drive you want to format under Device - take care to format the correct one, as all data will be erased from the drive
  • Select FAT32 as the Filesystem
  • Tick Quick Format, and Verbose. Untick all the other checkboxes
  • Click Format Disk

Once formatted, remember to Prepare your flashdrive for use with Interface

docs/interface/fat32format.1722870916.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/05 15:15 by