
3.3.6 BlackBox 4X RC Servo

OpenBuilds BlackBox provides a way of using an RC servo to raise/lower a pen, in Pen Plotter type applications

NB: Advanced functionality, requires you to install a custom version of Grbl-Servo

  • Grbl Settings: Send $30=255 to adjust the scale to 0-255 (8 bit for Servos)
  • GCODE: Send M3 Sxxx where xxx = 0-255 Absolute Position for the servo to move to
  • You may need to add a G4 Pxxx dwell to allow the servo some time to reach the position before continuing with the GCODE


Please flash onto your BlackBox


TIP: Remove the Relay Mode jumper to prevent the relay from clicking on/off rapidly during servo operations

BlackBox version 2.6 and newer

BlackBox version 2.4 and 2.5 Only

docs/blackbox-4x/connect-rc-servo.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/08 12:15 by admin