
6.6.1 Using WIFI in BLOX firmware

BLOX can connect to 2.4Ghz Wifi Networks

  • Wi-Fi Standards: 802.11 b/g/n
  • Frequency Band: 2.4 GHz
  • Security: WPA/WPA2
  • Max Data Rate: Up to 150 Mbps (802.11n) Wifi Initialization

Use the “Setup Wifi” block to intialize a connection to your Wifi Network. Make sure to use your correct SSID (Network name) and PSK (Password). You can use DHCP, or static IP addresses.

Using DHCP (Dynamic IP) Using Static IP address mDNS Hostname

MDNS (Multicast DNS) allows devices on the same local network to discover each other using domain-name-like names without a centralized DNS server. In BLOX projects, setting an mDNS hostname lets you access the device using a human-readable name (e.g., blox.local or frontdoorlock.local) instead of its IP address.

Add the “Setup mDNS” block to your BLOX initialization to set up a hostname

Make sure every device has a unique name, making it easy to remember will be beneficial

When the BLOX boots up you'll see it sets a mDNS Responder to respond to mDNS requests

And then you can find your BLOX device on the network (by pinging for example) by name (without needing to know its IP):

docs/blox/blox-wifi-setup.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/27 13:14 by admin