
4 BLOX Developer Toolbox is your central hub for managing the entire lifecycle of your BLOX projects. It provides a dedicated space to host your projects, including writeups, diagrams, files, pictures, and full firmware management.

Steps to Get Started:

Visit the Portal:

Go to

Log In or Sign Up:

If you're new, create a new account. If you already have an account, simply log in.

Create a New Project:

Click the New Project button to start a new project.

Add Project Details:

Provide a basic writeup, upload sketches, and save your project.

Create New Firmware:

Within your project, click the Create New Firmware button.

Select the appropriate firmware type for your project.

Learn more about the supported BLOX Firmware Options

Maintain your Project

  • When you finished developing your firmware, be sure to edit your Project and paste the latest firmware configs (for ESPHome, grblHAL and Arduino - BLOX is automatic) to allow others to replicate your project
  • Update your pictures with the final pictures
  • Include links to any videos you uploaded on YouTube or other similar services
  • Update the Project description
  • We'd be happy to FEATURE your project once its complete for all to see
docs/blox/blox-toolbox-overview.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/20 11:50 by admin