
6.6 Compiling and Flashing BLOX firmware

6.6.1 Compile Firmware

Once all your blocks are setup the way you want them, click the Compile Firmware button

Our cloud based compile service will build the firmware binary for you.

When its done, it will ask you to place the BLOX into Bootloader mode, and to select the correct port to connect to for flashing the firmware

6.6.2 Flashing Firmware

Click on the Select OpenBuilds BLOX USB Port to continue button, and in the pop up select the COM/Serial/TTY port that belong to the BLOX you connected to the computer, then click Connect.

Click on INSTALL <Your project title here> FIRMWARE

Confirm you want to proceed, and click INSTALL

Wait for the device to complete flashing. If it fails, you can try again, possibly forgot to place it in bootloader mode as instructed onscreen

Once flashing is complete, it will show Installation complete! Click Next and Close the Flashing tool.

Press the RESET button on your BLOX to let it boot up with your new firmware.

Test that it works as intended, otherwise return and update your program accordingly.

6.6.3 Debug Logs

You can use the Logs and Console option to view the live serial log coming from the BLOX

This will show the boot log and help you troubleshoot issues. In this example, you can see I don't have an SD card plugged in, which is fine, my current example program here doesn't need an SD Card so we can ignore that error. We can see we successfully connected to Wifi and recieved an IP address from DHCP

docs/blox/blox-compile-flash.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/26 17:49 by admin