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OpenBuilds Interface: Initial Setup: Prepare USB Drive

In order to fully utilize your OpenBuilds Interface you need to configure the Flashdrive(s) you want to use with the Interface by copying our supporting files onto the Flashdrive

1. Insert the USB drive into your computer

Insert the USB drive you want to use with Interface into your computer

TIP: Repeat these steps for any other flashdrives you intend using with CONTROL, to ensure the supporting files are present on the flashdrive when you use it with Interface.

2. Download and install OpenBuilds CONTROL

Download and install the latest version of OpenBuilds CONTROL from

3. Run the Wizard from OpenBuilds CONTROL

Start OpenBuilds CONTROL, and launch the wizard from Wizard and Tools > Prepare USB Flashdrive for Interface

4. Copy the supporting files

Inside the Wizard, select the correct Flashdrive from the list, and click “Copy supporting files to Flashdrive”

5. The log will show when the copying process has been completed

6. Safely Remove the Flashdrive

Eject / Safely Remove the Flashdrive from your computer, and insert it into the OpenBuilds Interface USB socket.

NEXT: Usage Instructions