Table of Contents

6.1 BLOX Workspace

BLOX provides a simple, block-based programming interface that allows users to quickly get started with electronics and coding without needing extensive knowledge.

The Developer Toolbox runs entirely in your web browser and you can design your firmware, compile it and flash directly to a BLOX from within the browser - no other software needed

5.1.1 Requirements

5.1.2 Overview

The BLOX firmware option allows you to build out controller firmware visually, without needing any code. It is accessed via your Projects on the OpenBuilds BLOX Developer Toolbox

The main workspace consists of

You would typically follow the workflow

Create Firmware using BLOX Compile Firmware Flash to BLOX Connect to view logs if needed

5.1.3 Toolbox

The toolbox contains BLOX Blocks categorised for convenience. Open the toolbox and select a block you need. Drag your block to the workspace, and plug it into the BLOX block

5.1.4 BLOX Block

The BLOX Block is the most important block in your workspace. This block is the container into which all your other development is contained. Only blocks plugged into the BLOX will be included in your firmware

The most important concept is the Initialize vs Run inputs.

Initialization Blocks

This is used to initialize settings and configurations that need to be set up once when the BLOX starts running.

It runs once at the beginning of the program, right after the BLOX is powered on or reset.

Typically used for

Run Blocks

This section contains the blocks that will run repeatedly, allowing your program to perform tasks or respond to inputs continuously.

It runs in a loop after Initialization completes, and it will keep running over and over until the BLOX is powered off or reset.

Typically used for